Statistical market research of Iranian game market(over 23 Million Players)

this report is a statistical market research of the video game industry in Iran. game development industry is one of the main lines of development in IT for Iran whose advancement will eventually lead to economic growth, creation of jobs and more employment opportunities. In other sense, considering the media effect of this industry, different sections in the country accompany this industry in developing its comprehensive planning.

Population, Demographics and internet users

a general overview of Iran; providing demographics and internet penetration statistics.In 2014, Iran’s GDP was 404.1 billion dollar. It is 18th largest economy in the world in terms of GDP. 64% of Iran’s populations are under 35 years old. Iran is ranked as an upper-middle income economy by the world bank. Iran is ranked 10th in the historic attractions and 5th in ecotourism.

General Culture Council of Iran approved The Iran age rating system for computer and console games (ESRA)

Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance- has approved the ESRA (Entertainment Software Rating Association).

Level Up: Month-Long Game Development Event

A month-long game development event, titled Level Up, has been organized by the Fanafzar Sharif Company

Iran’s video-gaming industry poised for action

With international sanctions lifted, a burgeoning industry looks beyond its domestic market of 20 million gamers.

The game industry of Iran

The game industry of Iran

How economic sanctions and piracy shape how people in Iran make and play games.

Inside Iran’s Budding Video Game Industry

The Iranian video game industry, shaped around piracy and economic sanctions, is slowly growing

A Look At 41 of Iran's Best Video Games

Last week I found myself in a back row of one of Gamescom's business hall with a few minutes to kill. Turning a corner I discovered a sizeable booth set up to showcase the computer and video games of Iran.

Iran's video game now available around the world

Video game enthusiasts around the world can purchase the new Iranian computer game “Shaban” online. The game is available on the website of Big Fish Games, a U.S. provider of Internet media delivery software and game services.

Iran's nuclear deal helps country's video game trade in world

Iran's nuclear deal helps country's video game trade in world

Volleyball 2016” to be the 13th member for Iran’s Volleyball team

The game ‘Volleyball 2016’ will be the 13th member for Iran’s Volleyball team, encouraging Iran’s youth to show more support for our national team

Students of the National Game Development Institute to Develop games in Istanbul, Turkey

In a joint tournament held by the National Game Development Institute of Iran and Bahcheshehir University of Turkey, Game developers will duel for the champion’s trophy.

Google Starts Removing Sanctions on Iranian Developers

Computer giant Google has started removing sanctions imposed on Iranian game developers.

Conference on International Law and Computer Games held

The Iranian Association for UN Studies held the Conference on International Law and Computer Games in May 2016

Playing Youza, You Can Take Care of Iranian Leopards!

Youzna is an Iranian mobile-based video game, where players need to take care of the endangered Iranian leopard.

Iranian Game Development Incubator Hosts ‘Global Game Jam 2016’

The Iranian Game Development Incubator has hosted the ‘Global Game Jam 2016’

Mobile  game lab provided for developers

The Iran Computer & Video Games Foundation has announced plans to provide developers and creators of mobile-based video games with game testing laboratory.

Mobile-based ‘Delivery Guy’ game released

The Zana Games studio’s newest game, the “Delivery Guy”, was recently released, receiving a warm audience welcome and over 50,000 downloads in a short period of time.