The call for deploying game production teams in "MarkazeRoshd; The Growth Center of Game Development Technology Units" was announced.

The National Institute of Game Development announced that attracting interested and capable individuals and teams in the field of game development at the Growth Center for Game Development.

The serious game of 2021 has been announced

The "Chelcheli" game won first place in Serious Games Festival 2021, the title of "The Serious Game of the Year", the statue, and the Foundation's Grand Prize of 20 million Tomans. According to the public relations of the National Computer Games Foundation, the "Chelcheli" game made by the Chelcheli team; which is made with the aim of increasing the cognitive reserves of the elderly (cognitive functions including memory, attention, etc.) has been announced as “The Serious Game of the year”.

Promoting Computer game literacy on the “Understanding of Computer Games” (Fahme Bazi) website

“Understanding of Computer Games” website (Fahme Bazi), which has officially started its activities in November 2020, is one of the steps taken by the National Computer Games Foundation in order to promote media literacy related to Computer games.

The latest research from the Digital Game Research Center (DIREC) has been published;

Gaming in Iran: A Comparison on digital gaming patterns on different platforms The Digital Games Research Center (DIREC) has published “Infographic of gaming in Iran: A Comparison on digital gaming patterns on different platforms” in continuation of research activities on various topics of the digital games ecosystem.

What happened in the fourth Serious Games Prize?

The fourth round of the Serious Games Award event, with the aim of researching, producing and promoting serious games, was held online in collaboration with Allameh Tabatabai University on the 23,24 of December 2020, and all programs were broadcast live from AparatGame. A total of 1,132 viewers watched the event on the first day and 693 on the second day. During this period, in addition to digital games, with a broader view of targeted entertainment, the event sponsored other serious entertainment such as board games, gamification and simulators.

National Institute of Game Development School for Serious Cognitive Games will be held

The director of the National Gaming Institute announced:” To empower participants in the 2021 hackathon, the serious cognitive games school will be held”, He added that the school will try to review the technical and cognitive principles of making a serious cognitive games to train hackathon participants to produce a prototype of a cognitive game.

The Initial Call for the Comprehensive Event of the Serious Games Prize 1400 (SeGaP2021)

The call for the fifth edition of the 1400 Serious Games Award (SeGaP2021) has been released to bring gamers and game researchers interested in producing and studying in the field of serious entertainments back into an attractive and serious competition in one of the most important events in the game industry of Iran.

The winners of the sixth Iranian Video Game Champion Cup have been announced

The sixth Iranian Video Game Champion Cup, which started a few weeks ago with the joint cooperation of the Iran computer games foundation and Aparat Game, ends with final match of FIFA 21, the prize giving (in four categories) and closing ceremony, in presence of audience.

High penetration of mobile games among Iranians

Direc's latest report on “The most significant information on the use of the mobile platform among Iranian players” has been published.

Iran’s video-gaming industry poised for action

With international sanctions lifted, a burgeoning industry looks beyond its domestic market of 20 million gamers.

The game industry of Iran

The game industry of Iran

How economic sanctions and piracy shape how people in Iran make and play games.

Inside Iran’s Budding Video Game Industry

The Iranian video game industry, shaped around piracy and economic sanctions, is slowly growing

A Look At 41 of Iran's Best Video Games

Last week I found myself in a back row of one of Gamescom's business hall with a few minutes to kill. Turning a corner I discovered a sizeable booth set up to showcase the computer and video games of Iran.

Iran's video game now available around the world

Video game enthusiasts around the world can purchase the new Iranian computer game “Shaban” online. The game is available on the website of Big Fish Games, a U.S. provider of Internet media delivery software and game services.