The sixth tournament of the IGC, which is considered an unprecedented event in Iran, has been started with the joint cooperation of the National Computer Games Foundation and AparatGame in the fields of Clash Royale, FIFA21 PS4 and two other noteworthy Iranian games "Footballistars" and "Bezan Bahador".

The pilot activity of the Iran computer and Video Games Foundation's Call and Counseling Center has begun . The Iran Computer and Video Games Foundation's Call and Counseling Center was launched on a trial basis. According to the Office of Communications and International Affairs of the Iran Computer and Video Games Foundation, this call and consultation center, which was set up to guide the consumption of digital games and increase the knowledge of gaming industry activists, will answer questions, suggestions, criticisms and reports from consumers, producers and gaming industry activists.

According to the Office of Communications and International Affairs of the Iran Computer and Video Games Foundation, the Iranian Computer and Video Games Foundation is currently preparing a campaign for Iranian games, which is scheduled to be held from March 5,2021 to April 4, 2021.

"Sardar" game won the first rank of the serious game festival in 1399, and by being selected as the "serious game of 1399", it won the 20 million Tomans award of the Iran Computer and Video Games Foundation in this section. According to the Communications and International Affairs Department of the Iran Computer and Video Games Foundation, Sardar Made by the (Carlab team) at Tabriz University of Islamic Arts, with the aim of promoting tourism and the idea of a software design to visit Sattar Khan's house (the National Commander in Tabriz ) is as a role model for creating the attractive game for the audience have a different experience of visiting this historical museum with the help of Augmented Reality technology.

The Coronary conditions of the country also made the holding of the 1399 Serious Games Award event online.

A month-long game development event, titled Level Up, has been organized by the Fanafzar Sharif Company

In a joint tournament held by the National Game Development Institute of Iran and Bahcheshehir University of Turkey, Game developers will duel for the champion’s trophy.