The second TGC’s board of councils comprises of 10 known video game developers; 5 Iranian and 5 from the international scene. These people care tasked with validating and reviewing the academic content of the event.
According to IRCG, TGC2018’s board of councils will lead and manage 80 academic conferences and 10 professional classes for this event, and will choose the best topics out of many suggested ideas to be presented in the mentioned conferences.
The board of councils has one local and one foreign member for each categories of game design, art design, technical aspects, project management and business.
As for technical aspects, we have Sajjad Beigjani of Avid studio and Mike Acton from Unity. For art design, we have Faraz Shanyar, an independent concept designer and Peter Ridgway of King.
As for Game design, Shahab Keshavarz of Royagaran, and Rayna Anderson from Eidos-Montreal will accompany us. In the field of project management we’ll have Farzam Malek-Ara of Tose’egar Shabih’saz and Nathalie Beauguerlange from Riot Games and finally, in the business category, we are hosting Ali Nad’alizadeh from Turned On Digital and Julien Dulioust from CCP.
After the publication of the invitation for conferencing in TGC2018, more than 120 speeches were submitted by Iranian and foreign speakers and the board of councils has finalized close to 80 percent of the topics to be presented at the event.
Based on this report, TGC2018 is going to be held for two days (6 and 7 July) at the IRIB Int’l. Conference Center. For more information, visit www.tehrangamecon.com