The training camp (Boot Camp) of game development and the  2-day Game Jam event of the National Institute of Game Development in Sistan  and Baluchistan province, which started on July 11 with the participation of 80  students, ended its work after 5 days with the introduction of the top teams.  At the end of the event, the director of the National Game Institute said that  she was surprised by the talent and interest of the students of Sistan and  Baluchistan province in game developing.

According to the public relations department report of the Iran Computer and Video Games foundation, in the training camp (Boot Camp) of game developing and the 2-day Game Jam event, which was held in Zahedan city with the presence of teachers in the fields of design, art and technology, students from the age groups of 9 to 18 years attended, who had never participated in any game developing training course.

This training camp was held with the joint cooperation of the Iran Computer and Video Games Foundation, the Deputy of Science and Technology of president, the Sistan and Baluchistan province Innovation Factory, the Science and Technology Park and the General Directorate of Guidance of Sistan and Baluchistan province in the Science and Technology Park of this province.

This course included more than 30 hours of free special educational workshops for student groups, which were held with the approach of supporting the discovery of unknown talents in the game industry in different regions of the country.

According to Farzaneh Sharifi, the director of the National Institute of Gaming, students who had never participated in any game-developing training course attended this course, and most of them experienced game-developing for the first time.

Sharifi also said: All the students participating in this training camp in the form of 10 teams appeared in the 2-day Game Jam event to follow the design and production project of a product based on the training provided.

Finally, 11 works were received from these teams. These works, which were made in three stages, technical, artistic and design, were treated.

The director of the National Game Institute added: Good works were presented by the children at the end of the event, which was a sign of the special talent and ability of the students of this province in game developing. Based on the judges' vote, the Burnt City, Danukia and Game Star teams were introduced as the first to third teams, respectively.

She also said: The first team of this event had participated in this training camp on behalf of a charity organization and at the end presented a valuable work and the cash gift of the first team was given to this organization. Also, based on the evaluation of the judging team, the "Khorshid Suzan" team, which included 3 9-year-old students and 2 12-year-old students, was awarded as the fourth team.

In the end, Sharifi pointed out that in this period, we tried to identify the unknown capacities of this province in game development in order to train the human resources needed in this industry, and said: The selected teams of this event were given a special discount of 100% and 50% for attending the training courses of the National Gaming Institute and the possibility of attending the summer semester classes was provided. also, all 10 participating teams in the final event of this training camp have been located in Sistan and Baluchistan province Science and Technology Park since Saturday, July 18.