The call  for the sixth round of the 2022 Serious Games Award (SeGaP 2022) has been announced.  This year, this event will be held in its 3 main sections, i.e. 2022 Serious  Games Festival, 2022 Serious Games Hackathon and 2022 Serious Games Symposium,  so that all game developers and game researchers interested in producing and  studying in the field of serious entertainment, by participating in this  competitive arena, will have a new opportunity to experience producing articles  and developing new games.

According to the public relations report of the Iran Computer and Video Games Foundation, the Serious Games Award, which is held every year by the IRCG, in the sixth round is completer and more professional than the last 5 rounds with a large network of academic, scientific and research institutions that have stepped forward to support this event. is trying to take another long step for the development and growth of serious games in the country.

This time, the Iran Computer and Video Games Foundation has created more competitive incentives to participate in this event by allocating millions of Tomans in cash prizes to the selected winners of the event, with the participation of sponsors who have a stake in holding the 6th Serious Games Award event.

In this period, the serious games award will be held in 3 separate events including symposium, festival and hackathon.

  • Symposium 2022:

The symposium is held with the aim of focusing on scientific resources and research for the development of these games. This section accepts scientific articles in this field only in English, and submitted works are strictly judged by three referees. In this section, in addition to introducing the best essay and awarding a prize of 100 million Rials, other oral essays are also honored in the form of a cash prize. Also, if the expanded version of each of the oral and poster articles is published in one of the international scientific-research journals, another cash prize of up to 100 million Rials will be awarded to the authors of the articles to cover some of the publication costs. After this event was held online in the past years, in 2022 the event will be held in person. In this course, game researchers will finally have until Friday, October 29th to submit an article to the symposium, and like last year, articles will only be accepted in English. Also, among the submitted articles, the selected articles in addition to receiving a cash prize, will be presented orally on the day of the symposium.

The secretariat of this year's event has specially prepared a  total of up to 100 million Rials for articles that deal with topics related to  Metaverse and serious games or the use of NFT in serious games.

Also, for this course, the necessary steps have been taken to  obtain permission to index the symposium articles in the IEEE Xplore database,  and after receiving the permission, the approved symposium articles will be  indexed in this digital library.


  •  festival 2022:

As in the past, the festival section hosts the works produced in various topics in the field of serious games. Individuals or teams who have works in any of the topics and branches introduced for serious games, send their works to the prize secretariat. In addition to the sponsors' cash prizes in this section, the event secretariat will award cash prizes to selected works in the following topics:

  • The serious game of the year will win the foundation's grand prize of 200 million Rials.
  • The finalists of the festival will receive a total of up to 200 million Rials.
  • Selected serious games of universities will receive a total of up to 100 million Rials.
  • The games that have participated in the previous rounds of the event, if they update their game, can participate again in the best update section and try their luck to win a prize of 50 million Rials.
  • Selected serious entertainers will receive a total of up to 50 million Rials.
  • In a special way, the chosen ones will be considered by the Foundation to receive commercialization, advertising or game production grants.
  • In a special way this year, the event secretariat has prepared a total of up to 100 million Rials for serious games in the field of Metaverse and NFT.

Enthusiasts will have until Friday, October 29, 2022 to submit their works.

Participants should keep in mind that although the main process of the festival is designed for the field of serious digital games, in other fields they can also submit their other entertainment-oriented works such as escape rooms, board games or simulators.

  • Hackathon 2022

Hackathon of serious games is a three-day game development event, which is held with the purpose of ideation and experiencing the development of a serious game.

The fifth serious games hackathon will be held in 2022 with the support of the country's public libraries foundation as a problem designer with the aim of increasing people's visits to libraries by presenting the theme of Making a Game of Visiting Libraries, Hackathon of serious games will be held simultaneously in Tehran, Tabriz and Isfahan.

Like last year, this event has been approved by the steering council of the National Elite Foundation in Shahid Babaei's plan, and the National Elite Foundation in 2022 also allocates elite activity scores to those selected in this event.

Based on this, 30 points will be awarded to the members of the winning teams.

 Second place winner 25 points, the third-place winner will be awarded 20 elite activity points. Also, according to the announcement of the National Elite Foundation, under the condition of the efforts of the selected teams to produce and commercialize the hackathon product, it is possible to increase the elite activity score up to 2 times.

It is noteworthy that in order to empower and train the participants before the hackathon, specialized training workshops will be held, which is a prerequisite to receive the elite activity score of the National Elite Foundation and is mandatory. The time of the workshops will be announced later.

Therefore, interested individuals and teams can finally register until Friday, October 15, 2022 to take advantage of this opportunity and participate in the event.