Dr. Minhua Eunice Ma, member of the scientific committee at England’s Staffordshire University, is considered to be one of the master pioneers of serious games. She joined Staffordshire in 2017 and started working as the dean of School of Computing and Digital Technologies and Professor of Computer Games Technology. This esteemed professor has also the experience of working as Associate Dean of School of Arts, Design and Architecture at University of Huddersfield.
Dr. Ma has obtained her MSc in Computer Science from Newcastle University and PhD in Computer Science from Ulster University, then stayed there as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow on virtual reality games.
This university professor also serves as the Editor-in-Chief responsible for the Serious Games section of the Elsevier journal Entertainment Computing. She is also the Founding Chair of the Joined Conference on Serious Games (JCSG), has gave speeches as the keynote speaker in many domestic and international conferences in the field of digital games and has chaired more than 12 international conferences.
Dr. Ma is a world-leading academic who works to help lay and spread the groundwork for emerging field of serious games. She has published a huge array of material in fields of serious games for education, medicine and healthcare, Virtual and Augmented Reality, and Natural Language Processing, in over 100 peer-reviewed publications, including 9 books on Serious Games with Springer. It should also be mentioned that Dr. Ma supervises a team of 22 PhD students in digital games technologies and computer science. She and her team have been leading the development of VR, AR, and serious games for healthcare and education with broad impact in creative technologies and various application domains.
Here we mention some of the books written by Dr. Minhua Eunice Ma in the field of Serious Games:
- Serious Games and Education Applications (2018)
- A Haptic-Based Virtual Reality Head and Neck Model for Dental Education in: Virtual, Augmented Reality and Serious Games for Healthcare (2014)
- Sense: An interactive learning application that visualizes the nerve supply of face in: Serious Games Development and Applications (2014)
- Constructivist Learning in Anatomy Education: What Anatomy Students Can Learn through Serious Games Development In: Serious Games Development and Applications (2012)
Research interests of Dr. Minhua Ma:
- Digital games technology, serious games for education and healthcare, pro-social games
- 3D Visualization, medical visualization, heritage visualization, 3D animation
- Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality
- HCI, embodied virtual humans, haptic interface, natural interface
- Natural Language Processing, computational semantics