Thursday afternoon, September 6, the fourth “Game Developer Experience” event was held by Iran Computer and Video Games Foundation.
As reported by IRCG, at the start of this event, Muhammad Haji Mirzaei, vice president of education for Iran Computer and Video Games Foundation, after mentioning the financial situation of the country and the problems it has caused for the video game developers, went on to say: “the education division of IRCG and the Iran Game Development Institute are putting their best foot forward to once again lift the spirits of the game development community and will do this by training able bodies in this field.” He continued: “Iran Computer and Video Games Institute will become a professional center for making video games, and will use the best domestic and foreign teachers possible to achieve its goal of educating a powerful force of developers. The institute is trying to issue international certificates for the developers so they can form easier and better relationships and development contracts with foreign bodies and have a bolder, stronger presence in the international scene as a whole.”
After that, Kamyar Mahboubian, the CEO of the Iran Video Games Institute, Amir Mumammad-rezaei, the director of the game design department, Faraz Shanyar, the director of the art department and Muhammad Shahbazi, the director of the technical department had their time and talked about the future plans for the activities of the Iran Video Game Institute.
Mahboubian, referring to the “Power-Up” event, continued: “Power-Up made it possible for many people to come together and form teams. Those who took part in the Power-Up event, can now start working in video game development studios. Power-Up was in truth a professional internship course for those who needed more experience in the field of game development. Those people are now more familiar with teamwork and have touched and grasped the challenges of developing a game. These people are now fully prepared to be active in the professional video game market.”
The CEO of Iran Video Game Institute, in another part of his speech said: “It’s important for video game studios to support those who have attended this event. Power-Up was formed as an attempt to meet the needs of the studios for expert bodies and so, those who have took part in it are in need of that said support to realize their potential and see the fruits of their labor. We also expect to hold the next course of Power-Up in the fall or the winter of this year.”
As the fourth Game Developer Experience went on, two teams of the participants in the Power-Up event, talked about the experiences they’d gathered in that educational course and talked about its pros and cons. Finally, the developers of the mobile game Shahrzad shared the experiences they have had in the course of developing the game with the audience.
It should be noted that the next Game Developer Experience will be held in Mehr (October) of this same year.