The process of networking between students and researchers in the field of video games in order to compete in the 7th International Conference on Digital Games Research has started.

According to the report of the communications unit of the Iran Computer and Video Games Foundation, the 7th International Digital Games Research Conference will be held on December 20 and 21, 2024, under the auspices of the Iran Computer and Video Games Foundation, Allameh Tabatabai University, and other governmental, public, and private organizations.

Announcing this news, Mohammad Sadegh Dehnadi the deputy of education and research of IRCG said: The 7th International Serious Games Research Conference, in addition to the topics related to serious games, which has been the main focus of the event's scientific research in the past four periods, will include all topics related to video games, like the first and second periods.

The most important goals of the 7th International Digital Games Research Conference are:

  • Development and promotion of knowledge and technology of video game engines.
  • Creating a scientific network between activists and users of science related to video games ecosystem.
  • Provide opportunities for discussion.
  • Providing knowledge and experiences between researchers, professors, students and activists of the video games industry.
  • Strengthening scientific cooperation and development of this art, industry and media in Iran.
  • Facilitating the access of organizations, activists and investors in the field of video games to the scientific achievements of researchers, designers and owners of bioeconomy ideas.
  • Introducing interdisciplinary fields and inter-institutional needs for the greater prosperity of this field.
  • Providing an opportunity to accelerators, governance, business and cultural activists to use the research network and knowledge-based ideas of video games ecosystem.