In order to protect children and young persons from the effects and risks of Computer games, the General Culture Council of Iran –under the authority of Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance- has approved the ESRA principle (Entertainment Software Rating Association).
According to this enactment, computer games in Iran may not be sold or supplied or presented on screens without an age rating symbol. “It means that, there is a requirement for every computer or console game made publicly accessible to children and young persons to be submitted for classification from the point of view of the statutory protection of children and young persons and be issued an age categorization.” Said Hasan Karimi, chairman of the Iran Computer and Video Games Foundation. “By announcing this decision, organizations that have a direct role in culture, including Iran TV and municipalities will be obliged to inform maturity of the cultural and practical action computer games and help us “,he added.
In accordance with ESRA principle, Games without an age rating symbol may include content which is harmful to children and young persons. They may also be illegally produced copies, the use of which is a breach of criminal law. It is in any case prohibited to make games without an age rating available to children and young persons.
18 Jul 2016 07:44TEST